Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Houston We Have Teeth!

I am 5 months and 2 weeks old today and I HAVE TEETH!
Look out world, I am ready to eat you up!

Mommy and Daddy say that I have been grumpy lately, and I have been drooling and chewing on everything. But they don't remember how much hard work this growing up stuff really is. I mean, there are new things to taste, and new teeth and bones to grow. Not everyone can put on 13 pounds in just 5 months! I am now a lean mean eating machine.

On Thanksgiving, I got my first taste of the real world stuff. But it was orange and kinda gross. Mom tried to fool me by mixing it with that rice cereal that I already recognize, but Nothin' Doin'... I crinkled up my nose but good and pushed it away. They said it was carrots, but it tasted like my socks. Now, those PEAS... let's talk about those peas. I have two words for them... YUMMM mmeeeeee! I think I could eat peas all day long.

Mom's gonna put some pictures up here pretty soon. Keep a watch out!

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