Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to eat toast and jam...

12 Inches and Counting!

It is snowing like crazy here today.  I liked this snow this time.  It was a lot more fun than last year.   Then I got to go inside and eat Grandma's homemade raisin toast by the fire.  Life. Is. Good.

My nannies in October

All of my nannies except Miss Sarah (who is now Mrs Sarah) came back for the Nanny Reunion  Previously known as the Annual Pumpkin Carving Party.  I had lots of fun with them, even though I was a little confused at first.  And my best buddy Oliver came too.



Miss Erica's peacock costume won the Best Costume prize.  It was awesome!

Me n' my HomeGirl Rachael

Here are some pictures of my and my nanny, Rachael.  I really dig her.  She keeps me in line, which Momma say that I need.  Hmmm.  I wonder what she means by that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Conversing with Joshua...

The conversation that took place on our recent walk around the neighborhood after it snowed last week...  Standing in front of a slightly melting snowman...

Joshua:  "Snowman can't walk."

Mommy:  "No.  Snowman cannot walk."

Joshua:  "That's sad."

Mommy:  "Do you think Snowman is sad that he cannot walk?"

Joshua:  (Shrugs shoulders, turns to Snowman) "Are you sad you can't walk?"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm BAAAAaaaaaaack!

Okay, Momma's been a little crazy the last few months and hasn't put ANY pictures of me up.  Geeez, she's gotta figure this time management thing out!  Here are some of the latest...