So now Momma says that when Oliver and Hadassah come over we are gonna start learning stuff. This week we learned how to sign "banana" and "cheese." And Momma had rewards for us too. I might actually like this learning stuff if she keeps feeding me cheese. I'm not so sure what the reward is gonna be for signing fish or broccoli, so I'm hanging with just signing "cheese" for everything right now. I wish she would teach me the sign for "ice cream."
Here's me and my home-kiddos learning. Really Hadassah was the only one paying attention. She's SUCH a girl.

I can sign now for "eat," "cheese," "milk," "more," "all done," "bye bye," and I blow kisses. I have been known to throw in the occassional "please" and "thank you" but only when coerced. (Ya gotta keep the folks guessing). Mommy's trying to get me to learn "kitty" and "puppy" too, along with mommy and daddy. These all aren't as easy as they might seem. I get them confused sometimes.
And I have TWO real words now. Ball and Cheese. Of course, Cheese kinda sounds like "Ch eeeeee s" and sometimes I forget the "s"... but that's why I learned the sign!